Sturgis Small Business Saturday is Nov. 25

STURGIS – Sturgis Mayor Mark Carstensen encourages everyone to support small business Saturday, Nov. 25, and to “Shop Small” throughout the year in Sturgis. 

The U.S. Small Business Administration reports that 68 cents of every dollar spent at a small business stays in the local community, and every dollar spent at small businesses creates an additional 48 cents in local business activity as a result of employees and local businesses purchasing local goods and services.

Small Business Saturday is a national campaign with towns in all 50 states participating. 

How You Can Support Our Businesses:

Small Business Saturday is about shopping at our local businesses to support what they are doing and their contributions to our community! The more we shop locally, the more local shops we will have. Consider doing the following on Small Business Saturday and beyond:

1. Check out our local shops.

We have hundreds of businesses in the Sturgis area, and 30 open year-round in the downtown area alone! The Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce office can help finding our local stores.

2. Try the "90% Challenge"

Sturgis challenges you to complete at least 90% of your holiday shopping list or holiday shopping budget locally! Next time you open that Amazon app, think twice - most of the items you are looking for can be found right here in Sturgis!

3. Shop on Small Business Saturday.

Even though we encourage you to shop locally every day, Small Business Saturday is a great day to start! Our shops will feature special deals, snacks and drinks, giveaways, and more on this event day.

4. Encourage others to shop local!

Share the “shop local” mantra with everyone you know. Shopping local supports stores that actually care about our town. The local stores donate to our soccer teams, our post-prom party, the new bike park in town, our local nonprofits... the list goes on. When is the last time a big box store or remote online retailer did that? Say thank you to our shops by giving them your business!

Sturgis Small Business Saturday is organized by the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau.


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