City Council Agendas

Agendas and Meeting Packets for all Sturgis public meetings are now found within in the iCompass meeting.  This includes City Council, Planning Commission, Municipal Utilities Board (MUB), Park Board and the Board of Trustees for the Sturgis Public Library.  To navigate from the homepage, click on the "Meetings" button on portal.  Select the meeting date and click on City Council Meeting.  

If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of special accommodations (including participation by telephone), please notify the Finance Office by 10am on the day of the meeting so that appropriate auxiliary aids and services may be coordinated.  The Finance Office can be reached at (605) 347-4422, option 1.

Agendas and packets are published at least 24-hours prior to a public meeting.  To obtain Agendas prior to January 1, 2021, visit the Archives page or contact the City Finance Office at 347-4422.